An interview is one of the most important stages of everybody’s professional career. It determines the career path and graph of individual and shapes up the future. This goes for both fresher candidates as well as the professionally experienced ones. No matter how much we all deny, the truth is we all get nervous and a bit worried before an interview. Many of us also get confused regarding how to be presentable in such a way that creates a positive impression. Amidst all this one thing is important that the candidates puts the best foot forward in terms of bogy language during the interview. It represents the confidence and ability to handle a stressful situation which creates the first impression as well. So, here are a few tips that are helpful towards maintaining a healthy and professional body language during an interview.

  • Everything starts the moment you walk in to the company. Do remember that even if the interviewer is not present the moment you walk in, he or she may take a quick feedback from the person who is present at the front desk. So be careful with your entrance and give a positive vibe. We all become a little nervous is such cases but do not show off the panicky expression which might convey a wrong impression.
  • One of the primary actions to be done during an interview is making an eye contact. While answering questions or explaining certain things, make sure you look at the interviewer. It shows off your confidence and a positive intention. But do not go overboard with it. An intimidating look may create an opposite thought altogether.
  • During conversation it is sometimes good to use hand gestures in a subtle way. It portrays that you know what you are saying and are confident about it. It shows that you have a positive thought about the process.
  • A gentle smile can work wonders. We agree that you are stressed but do not let that stress create a frown over your face. It is a negative point. Smiling subtly shows your casual side and you capability to handle stressed situation with ease. This adds a massive plus point to your profile.
  • Lastly, try to follow your interviewer and reciprocate in a similar fashion. In this way you will be able to create a lasting impression that will carry forward to the final evaluation process as the interviewer will remember you easily.

With healthy positive tips, there are certain things which you should avoid during the interview process:

  • First and foremost do not slouch during an interview. Practice to sit mostly straight which shows off your confidence. Slouching conveys a negative impression.
  • Do not touch your face frequently. This includes removing your hair from your face or rubbing your nose. This conveys the impression that you are distracted which is not good.
  • Tapping fingertips or jiggling your leg is also not a good thing. It might convey that you are impatient. It is better to get rid of these habits quickly.
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1 Comment

Effective Body Language During Selection Process | Story Bookmarking · January 10, 2022 at 4:25 pm

[…] An interview is one of the most important stages of everybody’s professional career. It determines the career path and graph of individual and shapes up the future. This goes for both fresher candidates as well as the professionally experienced ones.Website: […]

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